Dallas County 911 is responsible for naming all county roads and addressing qualified structures, with the exception of locations inside incorporated cities, within Dallas County, Missouri.


Guidelines for addressing qualified structures helps ensure consistent records and database entries to help provide efficient and timely responses by public safety personnel throughout Dallas County, Missouri.



Significance of an address

What’s the location of your emergency?

Emergency personnel across the world rely on accurate location information in order to quickly respond to save lives and property.

The purpose of a 911 address is strictly for routing emergency personnel to the location of an emergency. Addressing must be done consistently and systematically for complete accuracy and Dallas County 911 strives to meet national and state standards for all Geographical Information Systems database collections throughout our jurisdiction.

The United States Postal Service and other mail delivery companies rely on addressing as well; however, their databases are different and reporting new addresses or changes is the responsibility of the landowner or business owner.

Are you ready for a new address?

Before a new address can be assigned, there are two important things that must be in place. An established driveway connecting to the roadway and foundation work completed or utilities installed. Dallas County 911 does not address vacant land.

Why do I have to have an established driveway?

The location of the driveway connecting to the road dictates what the address number will be based on the particular addressing range for that segment of the roadway.

Why do I have to have a foundation or utilities?

Formal address points are placed on top of site structures and not at the roadway. This is especially important when more than one address exists on a shared driveway.

I already have an address, but need to update my contact info.

If your location already has an address or you have recently acquired an established business location and have moved in, please contact us and provide us your emergency contact information. Maintaining accurate information is vital for emergencies and having the most current business name and contact information is crucial for preventing delays.
Call us today to get started!

At Dallas County 911, we strive for accuracy. Let us assist you through the process with obtaining your new address and provide you guidance and recommendations on what steps to take next. Call us today at 417-345-1999 Ext. 2

Did you know how important it is for your address to be properly displayed?

Field responders rely on various resources to navigate to your location during an emergency, but missing a turn into the correct driveway can cost valuable time. Help emergency personnel locate your address by displaying an address sign near your driveway entrance